Tuesday, November 28, 2017

CAPE TOWN - President Jacob Zuma’s office has confirmed he’s been briefed about serious allegations against State Security Minister Bongani Bongo.
Bongo is accused of attempting to bribe the evidence leader in Parliament’s Eskom inquiry advocate Ntuthzelo Vanara.
Vanara reportedly made the claim in a signed affidavit which has been sent to Parliament’s ethics committee to investigate.
In the explosive affidavit, Vanara claims Bongo offered him a "blank cheque" to resign.
Although the ethics committee is dealing with the issue, National Assembly Speaker Baleka Mbete has also brought it to the president’s attention.
Presidency spokesperson Bongani Ngqulunga said: “The Presidency wishes to confirm that President Jacob Zuma met with the Speaker of the National Assembly who briefed him on the allegations of interference by the Minister of State Security.”
The minister was allegedly acting on Eskom chairperson Zethembe Khoza’s instruction when he attempted to derail the inquiry.
But Khoza has denied any involvement.
The inquiry which began in mid-October is investigating allegations of widespread corruption at state-owned companies.
The controversial Gupta brothers are at the centre of the storm; they're accused of influence-peddling to score lucrative state contracts.