Monday, January 1, 2018

Kickstart Your 2018 Fitness Goals

Kickstart Your 2018 Fitness Goals

As much as anyone may lose the motivation to work out once in a while, the new year is a way to start afresh and motivate one to achieve that body goal. So, in a bid to get you to accomplish your fitness goals for 2018, we have put together a few tips to help you. Keep in mind, that different things work for different people, so don't beat yourself up when things don't seem to be shaping up the way they did for someone else.

Couple out for a morning run

Be realistic

No matter what fitness goals you decide to make, keep them realistic. Setting a goal too high to reach will eventually discourage you from even trying to work out. Everyone, including you, should know that you won't lose 25 kilos in a week. Also, make sure that your goals are specific. Instead of planning to “run more”, “get healthy” or “lose weight”, plan to run a 5k marathon. Pace yourself and set achievable goals that you may even surpass over time.

Keep a workout diary

When you have a specific and realistic milestone to achieve in mind, write it down. Writing down goals increases the possibility of reaching them. Keep it in a visible spot and hold yourself accountable for it. Having a physical reminder of your goals staring at you in the face will help you focus on them and keep a record of what you did and didn't do.

Workout from home

It is important to make sure that working out is convenient for you or you will lose motivation to exercise very quickly. Beating traffic after work to go to the gym and then fighting in traffic again to get home can make going to the gym seem very difficult. An effective way to handle this is to work out at home. When done right, it can have results that are just as good as the same you get visiting the gym.

Get a coach

It's one thing to want to work out, but it's another thing to know what to do or how to get started. Find a coach to help out with this. You can use a virtual app, hire a trainer or read books on different exercise programs to create a structure of your own that you can follow and modify as the year goes on. If you're not in the mood to learn a new program, workout apps can be your virtual coach and give you easy-to-follow workouts each day so you don't have to think about it.

Workout with music

If you find working out boring, chances are that you won't stick to it for long. The right music can have an impact both on your motivation and overall performance. Spice up your workouts by integrating your personal upbeat favourites into your sessions and watch them transform into fun power-packed experiences you'll look forward to. You may need an armband and Bluetooth headphones to make it as hassle-free as possible.

Get a “fit fam”

One mistake many people make is trying to work out alone, especially when they're just starting their fitness journey. Find supportive people to surround and motivate you. You don't need to go to a gym to do this. Some apps can help you connect with other people trying to get in shape. They will help hold you accountable and keep you honest as you work towards attaining your goals. Be sure to keep it small and personal so that you can get the most out of it.

Reward yourself

Reward systems are often the best incentive for a powerful workout. Don't limit yourself to edible results only, especially those that will ruin all the work you've put in. Find something you enjoy doing and only do it if you meet a specific benchmark. Treat yourself to a new outfit or find something else you'd love. There are also a variety of apps that will track your progress and reward you when you meet your goal by the end of the cycle.