Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Man sacks wife over her penchant for giving birth to babies like rabbit

Lagos – A marriage of nine years was dissolved on Monday in Lagos after Mr Michael Ayinde, a 39-year-old man, had taken his wife, Glory, to court over her penchant for unbridled procreation.

Mr Akin Akinniyi, the President of Igando Customary Court in a Lagos suburb, said that it was obvious from available testimony and the respondent’s refusal to appear in court that the marriage had hit the rocks.

“Throughout the duration of this case, the respondent (Glory) refused to honour court processes.

“Therefore, the court has no choice than to dissolve the marriage; the court hereby pronounce the marriage between Mr Michael Ayinde and Mrs Glory Ayinde dissolved.

“Both parties henceforth cease to be husband and wife and are free to go their separate ways without any hindrance or molestation,’’ Akinniyi ruled.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Mr Michael Ayinde had earlier told the court that his wife, whose name he gave as Glory, enjoyed “giving births at will’’ without consideration for the prevailing economic situation.

According to him, Glory has had six children within the nine-year duration of their marriage.

“Before I married Glory, I warned her that I needed only two kids irrespective of their gender so that I can afford their upkeep. She agreed only for her to discard the agreement after marriage.

“My Lord, my wife wants to kill me with children. She is giving birth to children like rabbits. In nine years, she was delivered of six babies.

“She was sacked from her workplace just because she gets pregnant immediately after she resumed from maternity leave,’’ Ayinde said.

He said that he had sold his cars and some of his property to cater for the children.

“After she had the fourth baby, I begged her to go for family planning, she refused.

“I had to force her to the hospital for a family planning device but she went secretly to remove it without my consent.

“Some months later, she went to her parent’s place and sent me text message that she was pregnant.

“She did not return home until after delivery and also did the naming of the baby in her parent’s place,’’ Ayinde also told the court.

He said that on Dec. 24, 2016, Glory left home again for her parent’s place where she called again that was pregnant and that she would be back after birth.

“Last month, she called me that she had delivered and named the baby, David.’’

The father of six also alleged that his wife was not washing his clothes and her children’s clothes.

Ayinde pleaded with the court to dissolve the marriage so that the estranged wife would not continue to have more children. (NAN)