Part 2
Not knowing where we were or where we were driving to, we had driven for close to one hour cos when they threw out the mama from the bus after seeing that she didn't have money neither did she have a debit card, they instructed her not to shout when they drop her off. They showed her their gun and as expected, she complied. 

When the door opened, I wished for an escape myself, I was far inside on the floor in between the legs of a man holding a knife, they told us (the lady behind and I) to be quiet. We made no sound. The drop off was very quick too and the bus zoomed off. I think I saw the woman raise her hands to the sky and thanked her 'God'. Our God must be on their way, I remained hopeful. 

Still driving, a call came in. It was from the gang member who was with our cards. Six cards in total. I had four while the lady behind had two. The caller confirmed that all my pins were correct but that the lady behind gave them the wrong pins. I think at that point she got stabbed. There was frustration by the reaction of everyone in the bus, including me. Just gives them the correct pin so we can be free please. What is money compared to life? 
Because the longer we stayed with them, the more ideas of evil they may have. 

From slaps from left and right, she gave the right pin. They called back the guy at the ATM stand and he confirmed it. But there was yet another bad news for them...

The ATM wasn't dispensing cash!

When I heard it, I knew my own God had arrived. But bad news for me, one of the guys suggested he tried another machine in a different bank so off he continued while we drove. Some guy advised that it was already very bright and since the cards were in their position they should look for a lonely path to throw us out. The rest of them concurred. The search for a lonely place at past 7 was not easy to find. After another long drive in curses and threats, we were given the ground rules. 

'Now you guys will go down, but first, we go apply aboniki balm for your eyes... Don't worry, we go lead you down, don't shout. When you get down, no shout! If you shout, we will shoot!'

"I no go shout!" I nodded "but I beg, no rub me robb for eyes, I get eye problem" 

'E be like say this girl no serious o! We go give her HIV o!' 

"I no go shout, just drop me"
The lady behind, wailing and pleading promised not to shout too. They took out generous amount of aboniki balm and applied into our eyes that was when we both began to cry like babies   

The bus halted. We were led down and the engine started. But guess what! 
In our semi blind state, that lady began to shout, "thief! Thief! Thief! Somebody help me! I've been robbed! Catch them for me!"

Ah! Please I need to see. Where am I? I continued crying. 

Just then, some good Samaritans appeared and began asking questions. Someone gave me handkerchief, I tried and tried to clean off the balm but it kept hurting. I begged for a phone and called a family member. The tears after a while washed away the balm and its effects, then my eyes became clear. Where I saw myself was at ketu. I said a quick prayer. Turned to look at my fellow victim but she was nowhere to be found. My head was pounding, without cash or phone, I asked for water from the crowd that looked at me with pity. One man said everyday, they drop off victims along that road. Another asked if I was touched, I said I was beaten. He sympathized with me. Then I remembered my debit cards... 

1. I'll advice, just the same way you memorize numbers of close friends and family members, memorize your bank's contact center number. I guess no one may have told you this before but hear it today. Call Contact Center! If you can't call, send an email. That number is as important as your account officer's number. Make sure you put a call through. 
2. If for any reason you're unable to reach your banks via telephone, visit the nearest branch. Get your card hotlisted! Block your card! Don't waste time before doing this. You may ask, why block a card after I've been robbed and money withdrawn from my account? I'll respond by saying, you never know who will pay in money in another two to three hours time. With that card active with them, you're perpetually doomed. Get the card blocked! And do so immediately. 
3. Immediately you walk into a banking hall, get a customer service agent place a lien on your account. There's a limit to how much can be withdrawn daily. In case they have reached that limit, make sure you place hold on the balance in your account. 
4. Desist from saving bank SMS alerts on your phone when you have an attractive closing balance. You can always request for statement of account or email alerts instead. 
5. If transfer was done through POS, keep calm. Your funds can be traced. There is a money trail and you 'can' get your money back and even get the criminals arrested....

More to come